The Hemingway Museum of the Great War is open all year round with the following hours:
Wednesday to Sunday: 10.00 - 13.00 and 15.00 - 18.00
By appointment for groups and schools
Closed on Mondays, January 1st, Easter Sunday, and December 24th and 25th
Full price € 9,00
Reduced price € 7,00 (reduced price for those under 19 years old, university students, over 65)
Free admission: Children under 6 years old, people with disabilities
58 grandi pannelli, ricchissimi di spiegazioni storiche, di fotografie e di testimonianze.
Ernest Hemingway soggiornò presso Villa Ca’ Erizzo durante il periodo della Grande Guerra.
La vibrante passione di Hemingway per la pesca e la caccia.
Poco a nord dal celebre ponte in legno del Palladio, sulla riva est del fiume, sorge Ca’ Erizzo, un’elegante struttura del’400
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